Friday, July 17, 2009

Door #1

(Scene: It's just another random Wednesday at Terence and Eric's house. Terence is at his computer when Eric comes into his room.)

Eric: Hey, you think I can jump over this?
(Eric points to the ironing board at the foot of Terence's bed)
Terence: You probably could, but let's not find out.
Eric: Why not?
Terence: I don't want you to break my bed.
Eric: That's not a good enough reason.
Terence: I don't want you to break my ironing board.
Eric: Still not good enough.
Terence: Well, I don't want you to hurt yourself. And seeing as how you don't have health insurance, your folks would have to pay for any resulting injuries. Something tells me that you don't want to tell your mom that you hurt yourself jumping over an ironing board. Remember how we picked at Amber for breaking her foot by jumping on...err, through her futon?
Eric: know, you present some very good points, but there still wasn't a good reason as to why I shouldn't do this.
Terence: Alright fine, but if you're going to break an ironing board, use Merck's raggedy ass ironing board that he left here. And use your own couch for a landing pad.
Eric: Deal.
(Eric and Terence head downstairs. The following video details the events that followed)

Moral of the Story: Gravity's a bitch.