Wednesday, June 13, 2007

EAP Tentative Schedule

I've never really done an actual schedule with my blog, but I've kind of fallen into one by accident. Oh well, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Sunday: Sunday Night Selections
Monday: Around The Blogosphere and/or PS Reflections
Wednesday: W.W.*
Thursday: ¡Hola!
Friday: Cinco Classic
Saturday: EAP Arena and/or Insert Coin

All other features will make appearances as deemed necessary but at the least you can expect these 6. Mainly because I can put them on autopilot if need-be. That "Save Draft" button is wicked awesome.

*I haven't thought of an official name for this "column" yet. Which probably won't matter as it'll be the shortest of all of them. This'll just be my space where I'll track my progress towards slimming down.


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