Sunday, December 25, 2005

BlogMix/Cinco Collabo: ¿Zurdo?

Top 5 Favorite Left-Handers

5) Link from The Legend of Zelda - Being a gamer and a dork, this was something I noticed a long time ago. Link's left-handedness probably explains why he wears boots. Sure, he can save Zelda, Hyrule, and be the Hero of Time, but he probably has issues tying shoes.

4) Ken Griffey Jr. - Junior's fallen on hard times since leaving Seattle, but back in the day he was loads of fun to watch play. Well, when he was healthy that is. His swing was a thing of greatness. Silky smooth and extremely fluid. I can say I did get to see that swing in person. Summer '99 in Minneapolis - Mariners v. Twins. Only dowside was that it was "Turn Forward The Clock" Night in the Triple H Metrodome, so the Mariners had on some type of asstastic uniforms. Definitely took away from the majesty of the swing.

3) Dan Aykroyd - Co-founder of the House of Blues. Writer. Director. Saturday Night Live alumn. All that's fine and dandy, but to me, Mr. Akroyd will always be Dr. Raymond Stanz. The heart of the Ghostbusters and probably the reason I hold that franchise so near and dear to my heart.

2) Eminem - Em gets a high ranking not so much because he's a lefty but moreso because I relate to him in more way than just the lefty part. First off, I think he's brilliant yet extremely simple at the same time. Those two things usually don't go together. Secondly, I think he suffers from the same "controlled schizophrenia" that I "suffer" from. I really get a kick out of the way Eminem will tell a story involving Slim Shady/Marshall Mathers like he's not even around. Why? Because many times I'll tell a story involving T_Piddy/Terence the exact same way. And I've definitely listened to "When I'm Gone" about 80,000 times already. Mainly because its another example of Em's excellent ability to storytell, but also because its pretty much the beginning of the end of Slim Shady. What does that have to do with me?

Anyone else notice that since I've changed format of EAP BlogMix, there's been very little in the way of sightings, mentions, or whispers of Piddy (outside of BlogBrawl & the Survivor Series recap, in which it was necessary to keep the character around)? Yeah, that was one coincidence I related to big time. "Death" to an alter-ego is major. Whether its for peace of mind, simplicity, because you're tired of fighting with them, or just because its time to grow up, its not something you just bypass easily.

1) Ned Flanders - I could have easily said Matt Groening since he's a lefty also and thus made the majority of the Simpsons characters lefties, but Ned's so much cooler. In a dorky uber-Christian type way. I think Ned gets the top spot just for trying to open that left handed store on one episode. However I have to dock Ned some points for selling left-handed scissors. Those things are a waste of metal. They couldn't cut through water.


Blogger TigerBelle113 said...

Everyone has heard of the saying "Only left-handers are in their right minds." The word "right" having double meaning, of course, because of "correct" and "sane," but also because it's been said that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and vice versa.

Well, my grandfather was a lefty, and his favorite saying concerning left-handers was, "Everyone is born left-handed. They don't turn right-handed until they commit their first sin." :-D

Makes me want to be left-handed!

8:59 PM, December 25, 2005  

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