Sunday, December 18, 2005

2K5: A Look Back

Before I start, I found the format over at Confessions of a Dumb, White Guy. I thought it would slide right into Cinco de Piddy's format, so I yanked it. But like the back of the ninja turtle boxes said, "One good turn deserves another." After you get done here, swing by his crib and check it out. If you don't do anything else, go check out Hasslehoff week. Classic blogging there.

1. What did you do in 2005 that you hadn't done before? Go Salsa Dancing. Hot damn that was fun. And extremely hard.
2. Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope. No new crumbsnatchers anywhere.
3. Did anyone close to you die? Thankfully no.
4. Did you travel? Where did you go? Best holiday memory? Yes. Clemson, Atlanta, Charlotte, New York City, Brooklyn, & Cleveland. Best holiday memory would probably have to be the 4th of July BBQ w/ my family in NY. That was crazy fun. Trying to have coherent conversation w/ family who hasn't seen you since you were 2 while you're downing Coronas is always an interesting experience.
5. Best thing you bought? Christmas presents for kids @ Texas Children's Hospital. 2005 doesn't really have one thing I bought that jumps out at me, so that'll do.
6. Where did most of your money go? Surprisingly, savings, stocks, & mutual funds. Videogames are probably coming in a close second though.
7. What do you wish you had done more of? Exercising.
8. What do you wish you had done less of? There's probably about 10 or so trips to the strip club that I could have done without.
9. What kept you sane? Watching WWE RAW. Wrestling is my escape.
10. What drove you mad? Clemson losing to Miami by 3 in 3OT. To Boston College by 6 in OT. To Wake Forest by 4. To Georgia Tech by 1.
11. What made you celebrate? University of South Carolina 9, Clemson 13
12. What made you sad? Eddie Guerrero passing away. Viva la Raza...
13. How was your birthday this year? Freakin' awesome. Eric and I had people believing I was the CWF World Heavyweight Champion and I was fighting a guy named Crysis the next day at the Anderson Civic Center. I got free kisses and drinks bought for me. I signed an autograph. I slapped a bride on the ass in front of her groom then high fived the guy. The things people let you get away with when you carry around a 10 lb big gold belt.
14. What political issue stirred you the most this year? This pointless war we're fighting.
15. Were you in love in 2005? With someone other than myself? I'd say no. This was a year I pretty much sat out of the game of love. Either by force (Jan-June) or by choice (Sept-now).
16. What would you like to have in 2006 that you didn't have this year? Man, that's a big question. I'll have to come back to that one in a few days...
17. What date from 2005 will be etched in your memory and why? June 16, 2005. The day the shackles fell off my wrist, I stepped out of the darkness, and my soul re-entered my body. I've never been so happy to quit a job before in my life.
18. What song will remind you of 2005? Album? 1st Half of 2005: Gwen Stefani "Hollaback Girl," 2nd Half of 2005: James Blunt "You're Beautiful." Album: Mike Jones "Who Is Mike Jones?"
19. Compared to this time last year are you happier? Read this and you tell me. I'd say most definitely.
20. Biggest achievement this year? Destroying the Series 7. Being heavily considered for a $52k a year promotion. Getting a pretty decent investment portfolio started. Leaving Cleveland w/ the 2nd highest grade in the Casualty class. Things like that remind me that when I really want to be, I'm am that damn good.
21. Biggest disappointment this year? Not having my plans work out exactly the way I wanted them to around Sept/October. But hey, that's life.
22. What is the one thing that would have made you more satisfied? Being in Greenville, SC. But ya know, since I've been working in Florence, this question is the first time I've really thought about me not living in Greenville in about 3 weeks. It's becoming a non-factor.
23. Best new person you met this year? Believe it or not, I don't think I've met anyone new this year that I still keep up with and/or made an impact on my life. With that being said, the girl at some house party who let me punch her in the face gets my nod.
24. A valuable life lesson you learnt this year? Growing up is both mandatory and optional at the same time. There are many things that are expected of you as an adult, but there's not anything you HAVE to do. And if you play your cards correctly, when the time comes to let go of childhood for good, you'll be ready and you won't look back...

"That's Slim Shady. Yeah baby, Slim Shady's crazy. Shady made me, but tonight Shady's rock-a-bye baby..." - Eminem


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