Friday, November 18, 2005


Hell, why not. My turn. Ideal stolen from Mandy...who actually borrowed it from Libby.

1) I love really, really, really bad music
2) I 100% of my news from either The Colbert Report or Yahoo! news
3) My sister and I's magic word is "Lobster" instead of "Please." It's been that since we were 3 & 7.
4) I made a poem when I was younger entitled "I like cornbread." It goes:
I like cornbread.
Cornbread likes me.
Something, something, something.
I like cornbread.
My sister and I both know this by heart. Unfortunately we can't remember the original line where "something, something, something" now resides.
5) My biggest pet peeve is people who misspell my name. Terence - 1 R, 3 Es, no As.
6) I know way more about the Power Rangers mythology and history than I should
7) I got up every morning while I was at CCF just to watch Power Rangers Ninja Storm.
8) Capcom's Street Fighter code is engraved into my soul. I don't know it anymore, but can do it at ease on a SNES controller.
9) My favorite color as a kid was red.
10) My favorite color now is blue.
11) I couldn't stand orange until junior year of high school.
12) I didn't learn that Clemson was in South Carolina until I was in the 8th grade
13) I was a South Carolina fan as a kid.
14) I was a dumb little kid.
15) I own every Nintendo system. Even the Virtual Boy.
16) I love traveling
17) Chicago is my most favorite city ever. Los Angeles is my least favorite.
18) I love hispanic girls -- but -- according to my friends, I only date/am attracted "fair-skinned" white girls. They're right (and way too observant).
19) I was known as a "rotation expert" in high school
20) I was the first person from my high school to be selected to attend the Governor's School of Science & Mathematics
21) I have my face on a Wheaties box. Seriously.
22) I once fell asleep at the boardroom table during a presentation by General Mills' CEO.
23) I made my family listen to Avril Lavigne's "Complicated" 14 times in a row on our last family vacation.
24) I haven't been on family vacation since 2002
25) I'm going to name my first child Chug as a result of a bet from my sister
26) I seriously never ever want to have any daughters
27) I've been known to fall in love over the littlest things
28) I've been known to stop caring over the littlest things
29) I don't hold grudges, I just don't give a fuck
30) I shattered my ankle roller skating in the 6th grade. I didn't get back on another pair of skates until I was a senior of college. Ice skates at that.
31) I want to sit in on an S & M session. Or an orgy. Just to watch. (No matter how I spin this, its not going to come out like I want to. Next...)
32) If I had TiVo, I'd never leave the house. Which defeats the point of the thing.
33) I once was part of a 3 hour argument over what color bananas are.
34) I HATE banana pudding and vanilla wafers
35) I can eat Italian food all day
36) I color in coloring books when I get bored
37) Any time I don't know a dude's name, I automatically call him "Steve"
38) "Hot Fuss" by The Killers is the only album I've purchased in the past three years
39) 70% of my dvd collection is made up of World Wrestling Entertainment dvds
40) My first dvd was "Ghostbusters"
41) My first CD was "Doggystyle" by Snoop Doggy Dogg
42) I once DJed a basement party. White girls love R. Kelly's "Ignition (Remix)"
43) I pick out the best (birthday/sympathy/i love you/friendship) cards.
44) My mom and I hid the fact we were related when she taught me in 7th Grade for about 5 months.
45) My first [real] kiss came in Algebra I class in 8th grade.
46) I've never seen the Shawn Michaels v. Kurt Angle match from WrestleMania 21 sober. I've seen it 7 times.
47) I get legitimately upset when Capcom or Nintendo retcon the history of their respective series for no good reason. Street Fighter Alpha 3, great game, but threw all of the history of the series out of the window.
48) My only fears are some rodents, hitting deer on the highway, and dying in the shower.
49) I watched the entire series of Sorority Life 2. Willingly.
50) I'm left handed as far as writing/eating goes, but my right hand is my dominant hand
51) I can't tie a tie
52) I tie my shoes using the "bunny ears" method
53) The clothes I sleep in look like I stole them from a homeless guy (holes in the shirts, ripped pants legs, paint stains, etc.)
54) I don't like most vegatables.
55) My worst habit: I bite my nails.
56) At one point in time I had the entire collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures, vehicles, and play sets. Yes, even the Technodrome and that stupid blimp. And both versions of the April O'Neil figures.
57) I once worked in a Waffle House for three days.
58) My middle name is Oliver. My dad's name is Oliver. I only like it if I'm calling my dad (I call him Oliver) or if my full name is called (Terence Oliver Polk...sounds so regal).
59) I have three widow's peaks on my forehead.
60) My high school ring was a size 13. My collegiate ring is a 9.
61) I'm overly competitive when its not necessary... ;-)

Side note - I realized somewhere around 52 when I started reaching for random stuff, that I've done this before. I wish I could have added those five into this list. Oh well...


Blogger TigerBelle113 said...

so wanna know another connection between the two of us?

my nickname was "lobster" in the latter part of middle school and throughout high school.

9:56 PM, November 18, 2005  
Blogger TOPolk said...

You're doing TONS better than me. If I have Ninja Turtles that still have arms/legs/heads I'm doing good.

Those guys went through some fierce battles I tell ya.

4:32 AM, November 27, 2005  

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